The GLC Board of Directors has overarching responsibility for governance at each GLC Academy. It has decided that outcomes for children should be monitored through a progress board which acts as a sub-committee of the GLC Board, meeting on a monthly basis and reporting periodically back to the board.
For details of the GLC Board, please click here.
The Governors are responsible for policy and strategy and the Head of School is responsible for the day-to-day running of the school and ensuring that the policy and strategy agreed by the Governors is implemented. The Governing Body has many legal responsibilities and amongst these are ensuring that the National Curriculum is properly delivered, arranging for religious education to be carried out, deciding how to spend the delegated budget and approving the many different school policies, such as those referring to discipline and behaviour and health and safety.
To contact the governors, please email the clerk
Further Information
LPA/ TPA Governors Register of Interests
The joint governing body at Tilbury Pioneer Academy and Lansdowne Primary Academy:
Jamie Jardine
Chair of Governors
Jamie is the chair of governors and a community governor, who was appointed by the local governing body. His key responsibilities include pupils' personal development, wellbeing of staff and disadvantaged pupils. His date of appointment was 21.09.22 and his term of office expires on 20.09.26.
Lynda Pritchard
Vice Chair of Governors
Lynda is the vice chair of governors and a community governor, who was appointed by the local authority. Her key responsibilities include safeguarding, pupils' behaviour, attendance and attitude to learning, the wellbeing of pupils and employees and preparation for transition. Her date of appointment was 20.01.21 and her term of office expires on 19.01.25.
Allison Taylor
Community Governor
Allison is a community governor, who was appointed by the Scrutinee Committee. Her key responsibilities include safeguarding, the wellbeing of pupils and preparation for transition. Her date of appointment was 17.11.21 and her term of office expires on 16.11.25.
Modern Classics
The Ghosts of Heaven, by Marcus Sedgwick
ISBN: 9781780622217
The spiral has existed as long as time has existed. It’s there when a girl walks through the forest, the moist green air clinging to her skin. There centuries later in a pleasant green dale, hiding the treacherous waters of Golden Beck that take Anna, who they call a witch. There on the other side of the world, where a mad poet watches the waves and knows the horrors they hide, and far into the future as Keir Bowman realises his destiny. Each takes their next step in life. None will ever go back to the same place. And so their journeys begin…